
People take up yoga for multitude of reasons, from wanting to lose weight to becoming more flexible. However, as the practice progresses over time, every yogi starts to immerse deeper into the poses, finding a deeper meaning. A disciple for life, yogis try to spread their knowledge and wisdom to others. For this, they need to attain a higher level of expertise in teaching where they can evolve from being the pupil to the teacher with yoga teacher training courses (yoga TTC).

Yet, how can you ascertain that you are completely ready for this next step? You ask yourself, “Am I ready for yoga teacher training?” It’s a tough decision to make, even though the choice lies personally with you. There are so many questions running around in your mind, all of them being rejected by your own fear of not being ready.

But, the truth is, you and your body might be more than ready for the next step without you knowing about it. So, here are a few reasons stating you are prepared for starting yoga teacher training courses.


10 Reasons Why You Are Ready To Take Yoga TTC

      1. You have desire to learn

Most yogis wonder if they have advanced enough in yoga to take the next big jump towards becoming a yoga teacher or wait for the right time. When you have this doubt, you are failing to understand that it’s not the level that counts nor your expertise in all asanas, but your desire to learn which matters the most.

You must have chosen to do yoga for one of the many reasons, but if you are thinking of becoming a yoga teacher, it’s time to ask yourself whether the practice has changed you.
Are you as curious as a cat, when you hear new yoga terminologies and later jump in to research what they are all about, refusing to stop until you have learned the meaning and more. This desire to learn is one of the reasons that reflect that you are quite prepped up mentally for yoga teacher training.

     2. You want more out of the practice

You have been consistently and continuously practicing yoga everyday, learning its benefits to your body, mind, and soul. However, now you want to reap more than just the benefits from the practice.

You now realize that yoga is beyond just receiving physical strength and stamina through the postures. You have been leading a better lifestyle, become emotionally more stable, and improved your decision making skills ever since you started doing the practice.

Now, you are curious how yoga works internally as well and want to learn the anatomy of each pose, understanding how the poses work their way into improving the functions of the internal organs, especially the central nervous system. Yoga teacher training is calling out to you if your mind is working this way.

     3. You want to spread your learning to others

So, you have reaped the wholesome benefits of doing yoga and your friends and family members are complimenting you on your new approach towards life.

For instance, you might have been suffering from depression for a long time and no matter how many shrinks you visited, it made no difference. As a last resort, you chose to do yoga. A week of practice passes by and you realize that your emotional turmoil is somewhat much controlled. As you progress ahead into the practice, your thoughts are much controlled and you can connect to yourself much deeply than ever.

This is an overwhelming experience for you, but you do not want this learning to stop here. You have a much higher goal of reaching out to and helping others with similar problems so that you can see them also improving their daily lifestyles.

Even when someone complains to you about a certain ailment, it becomes your natural instinct to advise them to join yoga classes, explaining the benefits they could gain every day. Briefly speaking, you become an advocate of yoga, hence well-suited for becoming a yoga teacher.

4. You want to be surrounded by like-minded people

Did you know that you are likely to inhibit the behavior of 5 people with whom you spend most of your time with? In your normal everyday life, you will come across many people, most of whom will be frustrated with work or life. The behavior of such people can be toxic and even damage or clog your solar plexus chakra, which in turn will damage your self-esteem.

If you are into the practice of yoga, you will know better than to surround yourself with such a crowd. You stay away from people with toxic behaviors and would rather choose a new circle of like-minded individuals who share your ideals, inspire you, and motivate you. If this becomes a must for you as and when you interact with people, then taking a yoga teacher training is the right step for you.

     5. You want to turn your life around

Undoubtedly, the practice of yoga can turn your life around, but the deeper question underlying this philosophy is “how?” You have reached a phase where it has brought physical changes as well as a sense-of-direction in your life, but you are longing to connect deeper with your inner self.

Yoga teacher training course not just certify you to become a teacher. It also helps you deepen your personal practice irrespective of whether you want to teach afterward. It is a life-enhancing experience and just what you are looking for. The training is all about self-realization and understanding the practice’s influence on your worldly existence for the better. This wholesome experience that you gain when training for being a yoga teacher will direct your actions and your student’s actions when they embark on their yogic journey.

     6. You are up for new challenges

You know that yoga TTC is challenging, but you do not mind because you are really into yoga practice. It does not matter to you that you would have to step out of your comfort zone as long as you get to learn and experience new teachings and everything that you meet on the way.

Once, you are in that state of mind, you are more than ready for intense yoga classes during training. As someone eager to walk into the next level, you will be asking everyone who has been to a yoga teacher training class or will be doing your own research as to where you can apply and what the requirements are.

This makes you a fitting candidate for yoga teacher training courses. If you are not sure where to start, you could consider applying for yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. Rishikesh is the yoga capital of the world and you would not regret doing your yoga TTC in Rishikesh.

     7. You are ready to commit

If you have been to more than one yoga class, you must have noticed that there are teachers who excel beyond your expectations during practice while there are teachers who could not bother less about how intense the training will be or student’s welfare. So, ask yourself, what are your reasons to do yoga teacher training?

Your reason should be anything else than just earning a certification to earn a few bucks or becoming famous on Instagram. Are you really committed to the practice with all your mind and soul? It is impertinent that you take training seriously and respect your profession as a teacher.

Teaching the values related to yoga is a lifelong commitment. Hence, is a teacher’s duty to guide his/her students along the journey and to uphold the age-old tradition for coming generations.

     8. You have been able to find your style of yoga

There are many types of yoga styles. You will have to keep up your practice to understand which one is suited for your body or what meets your needs. Being able to determine the style helps you funnel the type of class that you will be attending to. It also shows that you are specialized in that particular style.

Related Post : 11 Types Of Yoga Styles To Try And Master

Nevertheless, until you find a yoga path that you can walk on and practice, how can you be sure of what to study. Trying to mix up everything will only create chaos for you. If you want, you can study teacher training courses for other styles after completing each one by one and progress ahead accordingly. If you have not been able to decide upon particular style of yoga, go for the most ancient form, the hatha yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

     9. You have been waiting for the chance

It has been months or maybe years since you have been practicing yoga and are waiting for the right chance to come by when you can go ahead and get certified as a yoga teacher. You have the eagerness to delve into this new realm, but have always been bound either by work or by the lack of money.

When you reach that point, you will feel that the job you do, does not satisfy your happiness anymore. So, you start saving for a teacher training course that can help you heighten your practice and also impart its knowledge to others. You might have been asking yourself the question, “how long should you practice yoga before teacher training?”, The answer is, “keep practicing yoga to get a consistency in your home routine.”

This is also the key answer to your most essential question before choosing to embark on the journey, “how to prepare for yoga teacher training? Practice makes you perfect and also prepares you for the physical activities you are supposed to perform at the teacher training center. It does not matter whether you have been able to master all the poses. If you are subconsciously aware that you are ready for taking up the daring opportunities involved in training as a yoga teacher, you are meant for it certainly.

     10. You have the yearning to connect with your spiritual self

Your spiritual search in yoga is a journey to understand your core, the center of your existence. As you proceed with the age-old practice with full dedication and commitment, you will start to question yourself about everything that you know. Unless you are looking to obtain materialistic goals, yoga can only take you to superficial levels of the practice.

If you feel that you are beyond the needs of the materialistic world and want to set off on a spiritual journey of finding your true self to be more peaceful and happier person, then you are on the right path by choosing a yoga teacher training course. You as a person are already evolving spiritually and yoga poses are not just poses anymore but a means of being present and focused.


Whatever your intentions for practicing yoga teacher training and wherever you plan to go for learning the deeper meaning of the art, there is one important feature every candidate must have – compassion. Yoga teaches to love and care for others and most importantly for your own selves. If you are devoid of love, how can you impart it to others, especially your students, who look up to you for advice.

The above mentioned 10 reasons are some of which you would consider before trying for a yoga teacher training course. However, it is from natural instinct that you must choose your path. You must love yoga and be a part and parcel of the tradition, inside and out to be able to receive benefits of yoga teacher training in bounteous proportions.

Yoga teacher training can give you the necessary tools required for looking after oneself and to feel strong and healthy. These training are meant to teach yogis about the human anatomy in deeper detail so that you can understand the benefits and alignment of the asanas and their functionality that makes positive changes in your body.

Additionally, you will also understand which actions are wrong and what could cause injuries, thus helping you in avoiding them in future. As you progress through your course, you will also understand the modifications and adjustment in each asana and begin to challenge your limits when practicing.

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  1. I found this very inspirational and it helped me ensure myself that I’m taking the right path for my own future.

    June 27, 2018 Reply
  2. Good post, liked it…. Please write on experiences of students on your yoga teacher training courses…

    December 5, 2018 Reply

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